Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lake Toba

Lake Toba

Lake Toba is the largest lake in Indonesia, even in Southeast Asia. The lake is located in North Sumatra with the outside of 1700 kilometers and a depth of over 450 meters, located at 906 meters above sea level. In the middle of this lake, there is a small island called Samosir Island.

Lake Toba is a lake formed by a super volcanic eruption. Volcanic ash resulting from volcanic eruptions spread to almost all parts of the earth. Eruption causedthe formation of caldera that then filled with water wich later became Lake Toba. And while the pressure upward by magma that has not come out will cause the formation of a smaal island that is now  known as the Samosir Island.


Not complet if come to North Sumatra not visit Lake Toba .

Lake 3 Colors

Lake three Colors

Three Colors Lake is located on Mount Kelimutu, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, have altitude 1640 meters above sea level. This lake is 66 kilometers from the city of Ende. The place consist of three lakes, namely Tiwu Ata Polo for red lake, Tiwu Nua Muri Kooh Fai for green lake and the last Tiwu Ata Mbupu for blue lake. The third area of this lake reaches 1.051.000 square meters with a volume of 1.292 million cubic meters.

Color of the water in each lake can change at any time. Change the color of the lake is the case due to several factors, such as volcanic activity of the mountain itself, refracting sunlight and because some aquatic biota. Until this day, this phenomenon has become an amazing miracle in this world.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Lake Beratan

Lake Beratan


The lake is located in a mountainous area makes it convenient to visit the lake. Beratan Lake is situated in the village of Candi Kuning, Baturiti Tabanan. It's about 70 kilometers from Ngurah Rai Airport.

The lake is located at the altitude of over 1000 meters and has a surface area of more than 16,07 kilometers its has a cool and sometimes shrouded in mist. In the middle of Lake Beratan there is a temple called Pura Ulun Danu.

Around Lake Beratan also provided boats and canoes for visitors to bettes enjoy the scenery around the lake from the middle of lake.

Lake Batur

Lake Batur



Lake Batur is located at Kintamani district, Bangli Regency, Bali, is undoubtedly beauty lake. The lake is located at the foot of the second highest mountain in Bali, mount Batur has beauty and awesome scenery. It lies in the ats 1000 meters above sea making teh surrounding agricultural water needs will be met.

Lake Batur is the largest lake in Bali, with the mountain that is still active caldera. This lake has an area of about 16 square kilometers, the weight about 2,3 kilometers long and has a circumference of 22 kilometers.

Expanse of blue water on this lake and Mount Batur rises pharmaceutics make this a wonderful place. Many lodging available to us can enjoy this place.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Tanah Lot

Tanah Lot

Tanah Lot is located in the village Beraban, district of Kediri, Tabanan regency in the southwestern island of Bali. At Tanah Lot there are two temple, the one temple is situated on top of a large rock in the middle of the beach and the another temple is situated on a cliff jutting into the sea. Inside the temple there is a snake is still a local believe. And one thing that became a phenomenon Tanah Lot there is a spring of fresh water , while when see from Tanah Lot located on the beach is that not possible .Many visitors and locals who use this water for cleansing the abstract.

Because of its beauty, Tanah Lot is often use as a tourist attraction both the domestic and foreign tourists.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Beautiful Waterfall

Plitvice lakes

Plitvice Lakes is a national park in Croatia, which is located at 44.85 ° N 15.62 ° E. Korana River has formed 20 lakes barriers limestone and lime. Among these lakes forming waterfalls and "cascade" extraordinary. And also one of the old-growth forests in Europe.
The lakes are divided into two main groups: the Upper and Lower.
The Upper Lake include:
Okrugljak veliko
Downstairs is a large lake:
Plitvice has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979

Sri Gethuk Waterfall

Sri Gethuk Waterfall


Sri Gethuk Waterfall is a beautiful waterfall that never stops flowing in every season there are at Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. For areas that are often assumed to be dry and barren areas were also save the beauty of Sri Gethuk Falls. Waterfalls of Sri Gethuk be one tourist spot to be missed. To reach this place you have to take the vehicle through eucalyptus forests owned PERHUTANI the road conditions vary from good to bitumen macadam road. Hamlet enters Menggoran, eucalyptus plant teak farm gave way to a meeting. Arriving at the fishing area that also serves as a parking lot, there are two options to reach the waterfall. The first option that is down the path with views of green fields encrusted with coconut palm, while the second option is riding against the flow of Oya River.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Lost Island

Panjang Island, The Lost Island

Long Island presents a charm that is not inferior to Karimunjawa. The island is beautiful and quiet still makes a special attraction for the tourists. It is located about 2.5 miles west Coast Kartini, Jepara, Central Java. From Kartini Beach Pier, Long Island can be reached by tour boats only about 10 minutes.

Long Island presented with a very beautiful landscape. Long Island has an area of ​​about 19 hectares. The central part of the island is a miniature tropical forest with large trees. This location is very suitable to serve as a place to explore at night.

The island has a beach with sand very clean, because it is not too many tourists. Long Island is surrounded by a shallow sea. So visitors can safely enjoy the sea to far from the beach. Seabed is a beautiful coral reef. The sea can also be said to be clear and do not have current calm.

Setting up a snorkel or diving equipment is mandatory if you come to Long Island. Underwater landscape is very beautiful and not inferior to Karimunjawa Island.